Hello to friends and family back home,
It has been an awesome couple of days since my last blog entry. Today we were able to spend time with many of the youth from the Yambio Lutheran Church. Neil and I gave short messages about the importance of trusting God. We gave the male youth devotion books, Boston sport team shirts, cross necklaces, bracelets, and (Matthew's favorite) evangecubes. The girls were given Boston sport shirts as well as lipstick, bracelets, necklaces, nail polish, and bags.
We also taught the youth how to play 4-square. I got some intense games in against the guys, even though they did not understand all the rules to the game. Hangman was another popular game that we taught the teens. They slowly caught onto the gist of the game and even the quiet girls even won a few prizes at the end... after guessing the right word.
Last night, Neil and I had our first chance at preaching. We were asked to prepare a message for the seminarians and so we both talked about the importance of Trusting in God. I talked about David's trust in God when fighting Goliath and how I similiarly had to trust in God during my junior and most difficult year in high school. The seminarians really appreciated our messages about trust and I believe that God has used this team to bring hope for the 14 seminarians.
Yesterday we also spent time with the leaders from Baguga during which we gave them health tips and tricks for enhancing the learning experience for the students at Baguga. We gave the teachers devotion books, teaching books, and other tools that would help them as teachers and Men of God. During our breaks we taught the teachers 4- square and kickball which they all thoroughly enjoyed.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to come to Sudan. It has been a huge blessing spending time with my fellow teammates, church leaders, teachers, and youth.
The children here are also a lot of fun to be with. Even here in the internet cafe, there are a group of children just hanging around being friendly and funny. The smiles on their faces would brighten any sad face. A simple smile and wave at the kids is enough to get them jumping up and down, giggling, waving, and smiling. I have done my best to be a friendly Kawaga (white person) to the kids. The kids are all so intrigued by our presence and it is a lot of fun to laugh and play with them.
I have had many opportunities to play soccer with the kids here and it has been nothing but a good time. They love watching me play; whether I score goals or just make a fool of myself. They all cheer me on and laugh with me during the games. Not only has it been a lot of fun to play with the kids, but I have also been very impressed by the young kids skill on the field. For their age they are very good at the game and I just enjoy spending time with such happy and friendly kids. I am very happy that we were able to donate so many soccer balls to the children of Sudan.
Thanks for your prayers!!!