Hello to everyone back at home.
The whole crew right now is at an internet cafe in downtown Kampala. We just got back from getting our Sudan visas and shopping at the local craft shops. Yesterday we had our whole day safari and it was quite an experience. Our whole driving time was around 11 hours (there and back).
Our first "safari" (or adventure) began on the ride to the Ugandan Wildlife Reservation when we had to cross over 310 speed bumps... oh boy. I was very glad that we had seat belts to contain all the bouncing. The actual safari was a blast and we got to see a lot of African wildlife, including: giraffes, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, birds, and many other animals. The trip to the falls was awesome, because we got to travel on the Nile River.
The hike to the top of the falls was hot, sticky, and very sweaty, but alot of fun at the same time. The falls were absoluetely incredible and the amount of water gong down the falls was just amazing to witness. The "Epitemy of Comfort" (our hotel) has been a very comfortable home since our arrival in Africa. Uganda is a wonderful nation that I have enjoyed immensely. The people are so friendly and the weather is great. Ugandans light up when you simply say "Hello" to them. I thank God for these fantastic people and for a great first four days here in Uganda. Please continue to pray for our efforts in Sudan and for strong teamwork in our remaining days.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.