July 22
What a great day we have had with the Yambio Lutheran primary school.. The team was meant by 200 children singing to welcome us. We told the creation story and Noah.s Ark with a puppets . Some of the children were afraid of the puppets. Others just laughed and laughed. Once again the parachute was a big hit with all the children and teachers. We had some one on one time with the teachers to hear their concerns for the school. Which helped us to understand more of what they need.
They have 14 seminary students here at the compound now and one American pastor from North Carolina teaching the gospel of John. The team was able to have a devotion time with them last night. We learned all the names and how many children they have. One student has 12 children, The teacher and students work so very hard for the Lord with little or no encouragement. They are a testament to their faith. The loss of Bishop Andrew is very apparent in everyone faces they are still grieving.-- Peggy